livQ Bio-Essenz
Regular price €34,90 EURRegular priceUnit price €139,60 per l -
livQ Bio-Essenz Camu-Camu
Regular price €35,90 EURRegular priceUnit price €143,60 per l -
livQ Organic Brewer's Yeast Aronia
Regular price €16,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €80,71 per l -
livQ Organic Brewer's Yeast Maca
Regular price €16,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €80,71 per l -
livQ Organic Brewer's Yeast, liquid, pure formula
Regular price €16,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €80,71 per l -
livQ Morgen Ritual
Regular price €35,90 EURRegular priceUnit price €143,60 per l

Everyone is talking about fermented foods.
The trend is towards fermentation in the kitchen and home-fermented vegetables. Homemade sauerkraut is on everyone's lips. Fans make yogurt and tofu and exchange their experiences. The so-called good bacteria are supposed to fulfill their tasks in a vital intestine. We at livQ naturally welcome this healthy development. After all, we are the experts for highly concentrated fermented organic essences and liquid brewer's yeast. Find out here what you should know to do the right thing for your diet.
Best quality
Carefully selected raw materials from organic farming and certified production
With a lot of time and dedication, enzymatically processed, tiny molecules are created that are optimally usable and ready for immediate use.
Intensive and effective
No unnecessary additives, no dilution, high density of active substances
As a nutrition expert, I know how important and powerful fermented products are, not just in autumn. That's why I can highly recommend livQ products - the quality, price and service are all right.
Eva • www.beratungsfuchs-muenchen.de • Holistic nutrition expert • Menopause counselor -
I take the organic essence myself when I notice that something is coming on - as natural support. The essences are always recommended as an accompaniment to therapy.
Elke • Alternative practitioner -
I also order the organic essence here for my mother (soon to be 82). Since she has been taking it regularly, she has been much more balanced and alert. The small sip every day has become an important ritual for her. She takes the essence diluted in a little water shortly before eating. We're sticking with it!
Jörg • Customer
Let customers speak for us
Frequently asked questions and answers
What is special about the livQ Essences
For livQ organic essences, fresh organic fruits, nuts and vegetables are fermented with lactic acid bacteria over several months.
A pure lactic acid intensive food.
Without unnecessary additives.
What do livQ’s Bio-Essences taste like?
Fermented products taste a little sour due to the manufacturing process. Experience the exciting, sparkling taste in its purest form.
These fermented concentrates are also very good to drink in water or fruit juice. Quality fermented products like ours are the ideal companion for a detox or fasting cure.
Why is just 1 tablespoon per day enough?
livQ Bio-Essence is produced in a highly concentrated form using the fermentation process, the controlled Propaferm® process.
There is no dilution before bottling. The essence is therefore very intense, so a low dosage of one tablespoon is sufficient.
This is convenient and good for your wallet ;-)
Who are the Bio-Essences suitable for?
livQ Bio-Essence is ideal for anyone who wants to do something good for themselves every day. An optimal daily routine for all age groups.
Our essences are also suitable for children. The daily portion is simply halved or diluted for smaller children or to start with.
How long does the essence last and how should it be stored?
livQ Bio-Essenc has a long shelf life due to its acidic environment. The opened bottle should be kept cool and always tightly closed. In summer, a place in the refrigerator is preferable.
Once opened, livQ Bio-Essences should be used within 4-6 weeks.
Are the essences lactose-free, gluten-free and vegan?
The essences are lactose-free, gluten-free and vegan.
The reassessment of oats in the gluten-free diet by the German Celiac Society (DZG) in May 2016 provides clarity: Our livQ Bio-Essences are gluten-free. We use nutritionally valuable oats as a raw material in the fermentation process. It is now generally accepted that the gluten naturally occurring in oats (5-6g/100g) is not identical to the gluten in wheat, rye or barley, for example. The DZG took a clear step in May 2016 by allowing "gluten-free" to be declared for oats, i.e. the harmlessness of the natural gluten in oats is considered confirmed. Contamination with other types of grain remains relevant and important to consider. If this can be excluded, the oats are considered gluten-free. We only use gluten-free oats for our products in accordance with this DZG declaration.
Can the essence support a change in diet and fasting?
The fermented Bio-Essences are ideal for accompanying and supporting a cure or dietary change.
Can there be unexpected reactions?
It is possible that livQ Bio-Essence has a stimulating effect on the digestive organs. This reaction is natural and a sign of the influence on the body's own regulation.
Sensitive people start with a few drops in water or fruit juice and increase the amount depending on tolerance.
Are the products good for the intestines?
The existing Carbohydrates are largely in the form of fiber. These can modulate bacterial fermentation in the intestine and thus selective proliferation of important intestinal bacteria. They can in this way influence the composition of the intestinal flora.
Lactic acid bacteria used in fermentation remain in livQ Bio-Essence. The right microorganisms with health-promoting Potential can settle in the intestine and regenerate the environment and regulate.For a good stomach feeling, goodbye bloated stomach!
What does the Propaferm process stand for?
The livQ Propaferm® process defines the parameters of controlled fermentation in a closed system. Natural raw materials are subject to fluctuations. The Propaferm process, which is tailored to this, ensures high product quality and guarantees the complete digestion and enzymatic processing of all raw materials by the livQ culture.
The livQ culture is created from specific lactic acid cultures that are derived from plants and continued through propagation. Every new fermentation process for the livQ organic essence is started with this living livQ culture.
What happens in the natural fermentation process
Fermentation is a process controlled by enzymes. Fermentation breaks down the ingredients used. This creates enzymatically processed building blocks with high bioavailability. This balanced combination of substances can be optimally utilized and is immediately ready for use by the organism.
The important secondary plant substances are also released through fermentation and are available in a bioavailable form.
Warum ist flüssige Bierhefe besser?
Die ursprünglichste Form, wie Bierhefe anfällt, ist die flüssige. So erkennt der Körper die natürlichen Inhaltsstoffe und kann sie verwenden. Nur sie enthält frische vollwertige Hefezellen. Hefe hat eine starke und gegen Magensäure resistente Zellwand, die der Körper nicht knacken kann. Bei der flüssigen livQ Bio-Primärhefe werden die Hefezellwände schonend durch einen thermolytischen Prozess aufgeschlossen. Die wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe bleiben erhalten und sind bioverfügbar.
Was ist unter Primärhefe zu verstehen?
Wie bei allen Pflanzen spielt auch bei der Bierhefe der Nährboden die entscheidende Rolle. livQ Bio-Primärhefe wächst in Bierwürzen aus reinem Bio-Malz und wird nach dem ersten Gärdurchgang aus dem Jungbier geerntet.
Wie soll die Bierhefe aufbewahrt werden?
Nach der Herstellung gilt eine Mindesthaltbarkeit von 24 Monaten. livQ Bio-Primärhefe vor Wärme und direkter Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt lagern (unter 20 °C).
Weshalb ist die flüssige Hefe in Foliensticks verpackt?
So kann auf künstliche Haltbarmachung verzichten werden.
Die flüssige Hefe kommt in portionierten Sticks nicht mit Sauerstoff in Kontakt und bleibt bis zum Verzehr frisch.
Diese Verpackung spart Gewicht und Material und somit Herstellungs- und Transportkosten, ist also gut für die Umwelt. Ausserdem ist es uns gelungen, eine Folie zu finden, die ohne jegliche Aluminiumbeschichtung oder Metallanteile auskommt und keine Weichmacher enthält. Die erforderliche Sauerstoff-Barriere wird durch die besondere Herstellungsweise erreicht.
Ist die Bierhefe glutenfrei, laktosefrei und vegan?
Unsere Bierhefeprodukte bestehen aus natürlicher flüssiger Bierhefe, die beim Brauen von Bio-Bier geerntet wird. Für den Brauprozess werden Malz, Wasser, Hopfen und Hefe verwendet. Daher sind unsere Produkte nicht völlig glutenfrei.
Immer wieder taucht die Frage auf, ob Bierhefe denn wirklich vegan wäre. Hefen sind einzellige Pilze, die sich durch Sprossung oder Teilung vermehren, weshalb sie auch als Sprosspilze bezeichnet werden.
Auch Bierhefe gehört dazu und zählt somit zur biologischen Klassifikation der Pilze und ist vegan!
Ja, unsere Bierhefeprodukte sind laktosefrei.
Ist die Bierhefe für Kinder geeignet?
Unsere Bierhefeprodukte kann dein Kind auch nehmen.
Die Konsistenz ermöglicht einen den individuellen Vorlieben entsprechenden Verzehr: Direkt aus dem Stick, in Saft, Joghurt, Müsli oder in frisch zubereiteten Smoothies.
Ist bei einer Candida-Besiedelung etwas zu beachten?
Gegen Candida brauchen wir ein stabiles Immunsystem. Der Pilz ernährt sich von Kohlehydraten aus Zucker und Weißmehlerzeugnissen.
Mach am Besten eine Kur mit der Bio-Essenz und achte auf die Ernährung.
Eine gute Besiedelung des Mikrobioms ist wichtig.